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Petitefolie72 fait sa déco Décoration, musique, réflexion, mode, relookage, créations, colères, joie

Pour les enfants du monde entier...

Her WorldBeing Protected.
http://www.linternaute.com/sortir/sorties/culture/galerie-art/diaporama-agathe-gaillard/images/9.jpgAlways.....I want to protect my brotherIn the hand of lovePlease see larger size...accordion and the little girl...TrioBlowing AwayPure ExpressionmiradaUntitledhttp://www.senat.fr/evenement/enfants_monde/images/kklingpg3_a.jpgIs it still raining?
Lanscape of Life

Flower Child
Faces from India - little girl
Little girl in Delhi
A boy and his cat

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